Hi Jared, nice article, thanks for adding some resources on how to help Ukraine. I just want to add here, as Ukraine is my home, and me currently living in Lviv, the city were is safe, and where many people from Kyiv are going to escape from the Russian army attacking the peaceful citizens. So, I jus want to add, that you put it a bit too negative from the Ukrainian side. During this 4 days of war there were killed 4300 Russian soldiers. Many of them are very demoralised and scared, and just giving up. Our hackers just recently hacked important Russian news websites, sites, they even translated Ukrainian national anthem on Russian main channels. I just want to add here, don't think that Ukrainians are weak and that Americans are obligated to rescue us. Please, don't consider that Ukraine is in hauls, and people don't know what to do. Ukraine army protect not just itself, but also the Eastern Europe, cause Putin is dangerously ambitious Especially now, when he theatres to use nuclear weapons. I just want to say: believe in Ukraine and support it!